If so, please contact your local electric cooperative to ensure your project meets applicable code requirements for the safety of those working and living near your operations.
There may be distribution and/or transmission lines crossing your property in the area of your proposed bin(s). For the safety of those working and/or living around grain bins, we would like to assist you during your planning process.

Reference the graphic below for specific grain bin clearances required by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) C2-2017 "National Electrical Safety Code," Rule 234F. Contact your local electric cooperative for more information.
Disclaimer: These drawings are provided as part of Iowa electric cooperatives' annual public information campaign and are based on the 2017 Edition of the National Electrical Safety Code. To view the actual drawings, refer to that publication. Every care has been taken for the correctness of the contents for these drawings. However, the Iowa Association of Electric Cooperatives and its member cooperatives accept no liability whatsoever for omissions or errors, technical inaccuracies, typographical mistakes or damages of any kind arising from the use of the contents of these drawings, whether textual or graphical.
Save your local electric cooperative's phone number to your contact list.